The Unlucky Black Piglet
P-chan is the alternate form of Ryoga Hibiki, a teenager who fell into a cursed lake that causes him to change into a black piglet when drenched with water. Based on the anime/manga series Ranma 1⁄2, created by Rumiko Takahashi.
The Unlucky Black Piglet 2001
Newtek Lightwave, Adobe Photoshop
In his P-chan form, he appears as a small black pig as his yellow and speckled bandana on his head becomes his collar.
Ryoga is a somewhat morose, vengeful, strong, dim-witted and unlucky character.
The Unlucky Black Piglet 2001
Newtek Lightwave, Adobe Photoshop
In his P-chan form, he appears as a small black pig as his yellow and speckled bandana on his head becomes his collar.
Ryoga is a somewhat morose, vengeful, strong, dim-witted and unlucky character.